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What is WGS?
Washington Green Solutions is a consulting organization looking to improve projects, programs, and engagement strategies in Environmental Justice (EJ) communities around many social issues. We want to ensure that the Environment-improving efforts of organizations and citizen are done with community engagement methods that best fit their team.
How we can help you grow
Our goal at WGS is to help organizations, businesses, and community-focused groups fill their gaps in capacity to grow bigger and stronger. We want to help all of our clients achieve their engagment goals no matter what barrier they face, while leaving them with sustainable practices that can last or be built upon.
& Training
Do you have a environmental justice subject that you're trying to get a group of people to understand?
At WGS we work with organizations to teach their members, residents, or staff environmental lessons specific to their groups needs. We use specialized curricullums around your goals to make an informative and interactive workplan
Consultation & Facilitation
Are you putting together a project or program that could use some assistance?
At WGS we work with all types of groups on their environmental project or program needs. We can help build and/or facilitate a variety of projects to fit your groups need with customized guides that you can use for future work
& Media
Are you looking to develop your own engagement plan and don't know where to start or how to attract your needed audience?
At WGS we can help you build a plan and set up a system that will get you engaged with your audience at the capacity that fits your team. Depending on your needs we can help you utilize online tools, plan out literature distribution and/or set up in-person events,
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Some Green Readings
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