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Washington Green Solutions is a consulting organization looking to solve all of your environmental and equity needs. We specialize in making any project, program, or effort to improve Environmental Justice communities a better success with lots of engagement and education

Washington’s Green Solutions’ mission is to improve the environments of Environmental Justice (EJ) communities and front line organizations through assisting them with environmental work and education throughout the county.


With Environmental Justice becoming a more known issues around the nation we want to ensure that all businesses, organization, and community-focused groups are able to create Equitable and Safe environment for their communities. Many groups in this work unfortunately do not have the capacity or expertise to do all the work they need to make a full impact. So this company was made to fill in those gaps for our every-growing environmental work. If this is a need that groups need internally (with operating staff), we are happy to direct those needs to our partnering company Just By Nature (


Lots of work needs to be done in our EJ communities, and we don't want any community to be unaware or unserved in this environmental movement. So if this sound like the right place for you please check out our services and schedule a consultation with us!



Who is Washington?


Our Owner and CEO NaTisha Washington is a Pittsburgh native that strive to improve the environmental world through education and community engagement. At Washington’s Green Solutions LLC, she is striving to help educate and assist as many groups as possible in the environmental sector. In the future she hope to be able to solve sustainability issues for groups big and small around the nation that experience similar issues.


After graduating from Wilkinsburg High school, she went to study Landscape Contracting Design at the Pennsylvania State University where she received her bachelors in Horticulture. Afterwards she then went on to become a certified Master Gardener through the Penn State Extension in Pittsburgh.


Her community non-profit work started at Operation Better Block where she put all her efforts into planning out and improving the green spaces in Homewood with OBB’s Junior Green Corp. The Junior Green Corp is a group of teens 14 to 18 that she teaches/works with all year focusing on horticulture, vacant lot restoration and job readiness. She’s partnered with many local environmental organizations to facilitate and implement projects like green infrastructure building, reducing air pollution through tree planting, reducing lead contamination through soil testing, and hosting a multitude of community focused and volunteer events.


NaTisha Washington is currently the Environmental Justice Organizer at One Pennsylvania where she hopes to assist more communities with their environmental injustices and needs. Recently, NaTisha partnered with Kelly Henderson to form a consulting partnership called Just by Nature LLC. Which is an organization that specializes in environmental justice consulting and facilitation for larger groups and internal business/organizational work. Environmental and social issues are deeply intertwined and must be addressed through intentional and coordinated efforts.

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